RHIA Talks | Seamless Passenger Journey

Providing a smooth, efficient, safe and enjoyable travel experience is becoming increasingly important. Data-driven innovations and artificial intelligence are changing the way airports improve this seamless passenger journey.

In this edition, Miranda Janse Ahmad Bakkar and Lucien Versteeg will discuss AI in the airport domain with Sahand Ziabari, with Ruud Ummels about the practice from ATL and with Harm Jan Arendhorst about the use of digital identities and biometrics while preserving privacy. Ahmad Bakkar of RTHA will share his views on the topic from the perspective of the airport. These RHIA Talks will take place online on Monday 13 December 14:00 to 15:00. Join us and sign up below!

 Sahand Ziabari, Postdoctoral Researcher at TU Delft 

Most recently, Sahand along with his supervisor Dr. Alexei Sharpanskyk received the highly prestigious IBM award of Scientific Excellence for their work on the national research project called ‘Airport Technology Lab’. The aim of this project is to set up an interdisciplinary field lab with a focus on the development of data-driven innovations in the airport domain, using AI technologies. Sahand came to the Netherlands from Iran four years ago to do his PhD in AI at the VU University Amsterdam. Since 2020 he has been doing a post-doc in Aerospace Engineering at TU Delft.

Ruud Ummels, Aviation Consultant To70

Ruud Ummels is managing director at consultancy firm To70 Aviation. To70 was founded in 2000 in The Netherlands and has since expanded with offices in Europe, Australia, Asia and the Americas. Ruud has a broad knowledge in aviation, ranging from airspace planning to passenger experience studies. He has led over 200 projects in over 25 countries, including Australia, India, China and Brazil. In addition to 16 years consulting experience, he is an elected member of ACI World Business Partner Advisory Board, and he has lectured at the Universities of New South Wales and Delft.

To70 has been an ATL partner from the start and is working on these projects ‘Weather nowcasting’ and ‘Agent based modeling of terminal processes’.

Harm Jan Arendhorst, oprichter van iLabs Technologies  

How can we travel safely and contactless through digitization of passengers and visitor flows? Digital identities and biometrics are key technologies to give citizens control over the sharing of, for example, test and vaccination certificates, while maintaining privacy.

Harm Jan, founder of iLabs Technologies, is an expert in digital identities, IoT security and international collaboration on digital ecosystems and standards.

Ahmad Bakkar, Strategy & Innovation advisor RTHA

Ahmad is a strategy and innovation advisor at RTHA. He is also involved in development. “We want to be part of a global vision that will change aviation with new methodology. That means we explore all the options. Innovation is experimenting to see what works and what doesn’t work. Innovation at RTHA is based on three pillars: sustainability, digitization and the multi-model hub”. Ahmad will share his view on seamless passenger journey.   

RHIA is de ‘runway’ voor innovatie, een plek waar bedrijven, ondernemers en studenten zich inzetten voor de transitie naar een schonere, stillere en slimme toekomst van de luchtvaart.