Use cases and potential of (near) real-time high definition weather information’
‘Weather is an important factor if you look at airport operations. Wind, rain, hail, thunder, snow, visibility, turbulence, clouds are just examples of weather that determine the runway use and airside operations. Using high definition (near) real-time might help to mitigate the adverse effects of dealing with this type of weather. This is especially important since climate change is accelerating the number of extreme weather events.
How does this kind of technology contribute to airport operation? What are the benefits and who is profiting? How are or can these technologies be used around the airport? How does this help airlines to operate smoother and more efficient flights? And what’s next?
This RHIA Talks will take place at the RHIA office on Thursday 1 September 16:00 to 17:00.
Join us and sign up below!
If you do not manage to make it to our office, please find below the link to the online teams meeting
Make sure you log in on time and to be present in the online lobby 5 minutes beforehand.
During an edition of RHIA TALKS we ask several speakers to share their story and vision. We invite you to participate and to talk to them. Together we can accelerate innovations, develop new visions and forge partnerships that can make aviation more sustainable and reinvent the airport economy. We organize eight editions every year.
For RHIA Talks we use Microsoft Teams. The setup is simple. Register online, receive the link and check in on time. An edition of RHIA TALKS lasts a maximum of 60 minutes. We alternate between presentations and discussion. You can ask questions via the chat. A moderator ensures that questions are asked and answered.
The Airport Technology Lab (ATL) is a development, test and demonstration environment for innovative products and services for airports. The digitalisation of everything that happens at airports and the application of Artificial Intelligence are increasing exponentially. With all that data and a proper IT platform, companies can create and test new services and products. The most successful innovations will help passengers enjoy greater comfort and convenience, airlines maintain smoother and more efficient flights, and handlers optimise their processes. Ultimately, the airport is thus also making an (additional) contribution to its social responsibility to reduce air pollution, CO2 emissions and noise.
Bel Air building
2nd floor
Rotterdam Airportplein 19
3004 GA Rotterdam
You may park your car at P1 just in front of the terminal. Afterward, you can request an exit ticket by showing your parking ticket at the information desk in the arrival terminal.

ATL is made possible by the Europees Fonds voor Regionale Ontwikkeling (EFRO) and Kansen voor West II.